What Is Content Strategy?

Content strategy focuses on determining the goals of your content, and how to achieve them. It also outlines the process for creating and distributing your content.


Content should be created for a specific purpose, such as boosting brand awareness, driving traffic, generating leads, or improving search ranking results. It should always align with your overall business goals.

1. Audience Personas

In order to create a compelling content strategy, marketers need to understand their audience. Creating audience personas helps develop a more direct line of communication with your desired audiences and ensure that your 병원블로그마케팅 content is tailored to their needs.

Personas can be created in many different ways, from jotting down notes about their characteristics and behaviors to in-depth interviews with actual customers. They can help to clarify the voice of your brand and fuel resonant, relatable stories that speak directly to your audience.

A content strategy that uses buyer personas can easily produce tailored, highly relevant marketing material for all types of content formats. For example, a blog post can cover a specific subject of interest to a particular persona or you could host a webinar that will help them to identify solutions to their challenges. This shifts the focus from your products/services to your users, which helps to build a stronger bond with your audience.

2. Competitive Analysis

Once you have your audience personas and goals nailed down, it’s time to take a look at your competition. Performing competitive content analysis helps you unc 병원블로그마케팅 over insights, like the best keywords to target, that may be missing from your current SEO strategy.

You can also use competitor research to set content benchmarks, such as word count or the frequency with which your competitors publish. Using these benchmarks will help you create content that’s both relevant and valuable to your audience.

It’s important to remember that a content strategy requires buy-in from the entire company, so make sure you include how each department will contribute to the creation and promotion of the content. For example, a company that produces a video hosting service might involve the sales team to source topics and promote the videos via email to their prospects. Keeping your team in sync will ensure that the content produced is consistent and accurate.

3. Content Scheduling

Having a content schedule allows for a helicopter view of your upcoming posts, making it easier to align them with your marketing strategy and notice any glaring gaps in your publishing. It also reduces stress for everyone involved by allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and avoid last-minute panic.

A dependable posting cadence helps maintain consistency and credibility with your audience. Using a content calendar can help you maintain this by scheduling your content to post at optimal times for each platform.

This can also be helpful when working with teams or departments. With a content calendar, it is easy to track the status of each post, eliminating email back-and-forth between team members. Sprout’s smart content calendar displays more than just a timetable, making it easy to see the status of each post, assign collaborators, and make data-driven decisions that move your strategy forward.

4. Content Creation

A good content strategy starts with talented writers, designers, and video producers who can create a variety of content. It also includes marketing and automation tools to support workflow.

Establishing high-level business and marketing goals is a great place to start, as it can help you make sure your content aligns with company strategy. Using the SMART framework can help you make these goals more specific and actionable.

It’s important to consider how different types of content will fit into your overall marketing objectives, and where they will best be published. For example, a company that wants to increase organic traffic could focus on blogging and podcasts, while one that wants to generate leads may opt for Facebook and TikTok.

It’s also a good idea to include a budget for repurposing and updating content, which can be a big part of the content strategy process. Also, don’t forget to define success metrics and monitor progress as you go.

5. Content Distribution

Just as Michelin-star restaurants need to serve up their cuisine, your marketing content needs a plan to get in front of your audience. Without distribution, your best content will never reach the people who need it most.

Consider how to distribute your content across your business’s channels and what type of content you will create for each channel. For example, a podcast can be shared through audio platforms, while a video can be promoted via social media or your website.

The content strategy should also document the processes, tools, and technology used to create and deliver your content. Including this information helps ensure consistency and quality by aligning your team and providing context for your strategy.

Ultimately, your content strategy is a living, breathing document that should be reviewed and revised frequently. Adding new research, data insights, and goals can help your team remain focused on the most important things.

6. Content Promotion

Content strategy isn’t just about creating and distributing content. It’s about promoting it to the right people at the right time so that you can reach your goals and KPIs.

Documenting how your team will promote and amplify content can help ensure that you’re using all the tools at your disposal to grow your audience and drive results. This can include identifying the need for subject matter experts across departments to participate in interviews or write blog posts.

Additionally, it can be helpful to incorporate best practices for content promotion like SEO tactics, cross-channel promotion, and leveraging influencers to support and spread your content. Finally, make sure to track and analyze data from your marketing efforts so that you can learn from your successes (and failures) and refine your content strategy accordingly.